Recenently was a festive day at the farm of Niels and Kirsten Borup in the village of Pukaro, Lapinjärvi, as they celebrate the inauguration of their new biogas plant.
Niels and Kirsten Borup have managed the agricultural partnership at Pukaro Manor in Lapinjärvi since the early 1990s. Pukaro Manor has joint ventures with other farms in the area for milk, pork production, and crop farming. Niels Borup holds a degree in economics.
Niels Borup mentions that he has invested in the agricultural partnership annually:
"Investments have been made every year for 30 years, with a minimum annual contribution of 250,000 euros. The initial plans for the biogas plant were made over 20 years ago. I made the decision for this plant investment in 2022," says Niels. Pukaro Manor also invested in improving their dryer last year.
Niels has positive experiences working with Envitecpolis.
-It has been very pleasant working with Henri (Karjalainen). The other team members also seem very knowledgeable," notes Niels. According to him, Envitecpolis Oy has provided the solid energy industry expertise that he initially lacked, commented Niels.
For those considering a biogas plant investment, Niels offers some advice:
-Working and thinking in a group is extremely beneficial," emphasizes Niels.

Biogas Production Initiated by Envitecpolis Oy's Feasibility Study
Leading expert Henri Karjalainen has closely accompanied Niels Borup throughout the investment journey for Pukaro Manor's biogas plant. According to Henri, the municipality of Lapinjärvi commissioned a feasibility study from Envitecpolis in 2018 to determine whether there were sufficient biomasses in the area for profitable biogas production. The results were promising.
"Farmers interested in biogas production and the project manager from the municipality of Lapinjärvi, Tanja Pöyhönen, applied for a business group project in 2019. The project explored various sizes and formats of biogas plants for the villages of Pukaro and Porlammi. As a result of the business group project, the participating farmers decided to establish a project company, DuoGas Oy, in 2020 to advance the process," explains Henri.
Through biogas study trips, additional investigations, and numerous discussions, the concept evolved during 2020-2021. The owning farms of the company decided to build their own individual biogas plants at their own pace. If there was interest in starting the production of transport fuel in the future, they could establish a jointly owned refueling station from which gas could be distributed for transport use by DuoGas Oy.
"Pukaro Manor decided to seek an update to the farm's environmental permit and apply for investment support and financing for a farm-specific biogas plant during 2022-2023. Construction of the Pukaro Manor biogas plant began in the summer of 2023, and the plant's inauguration was celebrated in April 2024, marking it as the first biogas plant built in the Lapinjärvi area," Henri rejoices at the progress of the investment and the start of biogas production in the Lapinjärvi region.
